Saturday 31 December 2016

Why the Iraq War will cause Shi'ite deportation

Since the Iraq War, the Middle-East's populations have never been the same.

When George W. Bush put Shi'ites in charge of Iraq by democracy  - via an illegal war - the Iraqi government started rapidly remaking the ethno-religious makeup. They stopped the Sunni Arab population increase in Kirkuk as done under Saddam Hussein; they increased the amount of Shi'ites in Baghdad and other Sunni-Shi'ite mixed areas; and, to top it all off, they give priority visas to Shi'ite refugees to continue an increase in a Shi'ite-dominated society.

This is going to cause repercussions elsewhere - in fact, it has already caused repercussions in Syria. The Islamist uprising in Syria was fuelled largely by Islamic State of Iraq, and much of the ideology of the Syrian rebels is more like ISIS than even Al-Qaeda. Even Jabhat Fateh Ash-Sham, the Al-Qaeda branch in Syria, has more in common with ISIS than Bin Laden's vision.

Had the Syrian rebels won the war, they would have genocided the minority Alawite, Druze and Christian communities, as is ISIS' vision, resetting the balance of power in the Middle-East closer to the way it was before: a Sunni power on one side; a Shi'ite (or Iranian allied) power on the other. (this discounting the massacred minorities.) Before it was Saddam Hussein the Sunni power of Iraq and Bashar Al-Assad the Iranian allied power in Syria. The Syrian rebels hoped that, though a Shi'ite Iraq would be problematic, a Sunni Syria would be able to stem the tide of Iranian power in the Middle-East.

Of course, without Barrack Obama willing to completely engage in the war, the Syrian 'revolution' was always doomed to failure.

Worse still for the Sunni Arabs is what Trump will do. Letting Russia secure Iran-allied Syria, and securing and stabilizing Iraq himself by increasing their oil exports - over an above Saudi or Iranian exports - will shift power further away from Sunnis than in a long time - a very long time, maybe the first time in a thousand years. This will, of course, cause problems elsewhere.

With a pro-Iran power in Syria; Shi'ites in control and increasing control of Iraq, what on Earth are the Sunnis who hate Iran going to do?

Increase the change in Ethno-Religious makeup of course.

War is coming to the Arabian Gulf, and when it comes it will be absolutely awful. It would make the Syrian-Iraq War look tame by comparison.

The powerless Shi'ite minorities of other Sunni-dominated countries will be driven out. This is especially true of Saudi Arabia, where 10% of the population is Shi'ite; Bahrain, majority Shi'ite; and Kuwait, 30% Shi'ite. The Shi'ites in these regions have next to no power to stop forces like the Islamic State from wiping them out, and they can hardly count on the support of their kingdoms to be adequate.

These Shi'ites will largely resettle in - that's right - Iraq. So the Iraq War, which gave Shi'ites more power in Iraq, will also equally destroy Shi'ite power in the Gulf. The Shi'ites in the Gulf will move to Iraq and solidify Shi'ite control of Iraq.

A Shi'ite Iraq is likely to cost much of the rest of the region an absence in Shi'ite populations and cause mass Shi'ite emigration to Iraq. This may even occur in Afghanistan, depending on Trump's policy. The Iraq War has truly changed the ethno-religious balance in the Middle-East.

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