Wednesday 1 February 2017

Don't worry, Abadi. Trump's Muslim Ban does not change benefits for Iraq

Much has happened in the first 10 days of Trump's Presidency. But the most controversial has been the Muslim Ban from 7 different countries.

It is interesting, though, that Barrack Obama was the one to name the 7 countries, not Trump. Also interesting that in 2011, Obama banned Iraqi refugees for 6 months, twice as long as Trump's immigration ban.

I am disappointed in the way Trump banned the Iraqis together with the other countries, as it sends the wrong message to Iraq.

So, I decided to respond with a letter of sorts to Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi.

Dear Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi,

Expect things to get better - a lot better.

Trump's Iraqi policy can be summed up in two phrases: "bomb the hell out of ISIS," and, "get out of the nation-building business and focus on stability." Abadi, I would advise you not to worry about Trump saying he would "take [your] Iraqi oil," because in Trump language, "take their oil," means upping oil relations between Iraq and the West substantially.

Abadi, you and your country are incredibly important allies to America. You are not only important because of your oil - you are important because you have a Christian community, and Trump has vowed to remember Christians of the Middle-East in his foreign policy. You are important to Trump because you are on the front line in the war on terror, and terrorism is your common enemy. You are important to Trump because you have a Shi'ite community, which means you can work as a middle ground between Iran and America.

You are important to Trump because within your country lies the secret to the defeat of terrorism.

Abadi, your oil is not just a resource - it is a weapon, a weapon which can oust countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar from their high thrones, from which they destabilize the world with terrorism. If Trump unlocks the oil potential of your land Iraq, Iraq will stabilize quickly - but also, Qatar and Saudi Arabia will go bankrupt and be no longer able to fund terrorism.

To you, Abadi, I say this: wait. Wait and see for what I tell you will come to pass before your eyes. When the oil rivers flow from Iraq, peace and stability will increase dramatically in the Middle-East, and your country will benefit most of all.

Yours sincerely,
John Waver

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